Dedicated to our beloved Barik, Vesta, Topa …
We have always had dogs at home since I remember myself. They were so different but loved equally , each of them granting us happiness to be by their side. Very tilted German Shepherds and just ordinary mongrel Topa – all of them were our family and lived their long lives full of interesting events and excitement. Alas, once the day comes when they pass away leaving you memory and boundless gratitude … and irresistible impulse to have your four – legged friend next to you. That desire was so vivid and perceivable , nagging at you and driving you forward resulting in … HAVING a welsh corgi Pembroke puppy.
- Why CORGI? – you may wonder? People tend to explain their choice with multiple reasons of rational motives. Someone buys a breed to feel comfortable in a city flat lacking hateful shedding period, others prefer a toy breed just to please themselves with fashionable garments and jewelry. We made our choice on CORGI because Corgi is love. Being sociable, proactive and full of positive energy deprived from feeling lonely and dull this love is embodied in a big form of a small dog. Yes , corgi is a small dog with a big kind and optimistic heart within. This smallest representative of herding dogs is richly talented , provided with a good health and strong intellectual abilities. “ ORDEN KELTOV ” is striving to hold sacred all famous traditions of champion predecessors and tends to strengthen and improve the best characteristics of the welsh corgi Pembroke breed by using the most successful lines in breeding.